Tutorial 5: Making movies in VisIt (Linux)
You can ask VisIt to render movies. On linux, this will result in a
bunch of ppm files. Unfortunately, VisIt's movie encoder will likely
fail. These instructions are for taking the ppm files and converting them
to an mpeg movie for use in presentations/etc.
- Sanity check: when you ask VisIt to create a movie, it should render frames
in ppm format, and then create mpeg_link*ppm files which link to the ppm files.
Typically 3 link files point to 1 ppm file, this is for reducing image
compression/encoding artefacts.
- Logon to davinci.
- Copy over all the files.
- Make sure that the links and data files are copied over. (i.e. the links do not point to empty files)
- Do the following:
- module load ensight/8.0.7g
- ffmpeg80 -b 2500 -i mpeg_link%04d.ppm -s 1150x1092 -hq movie.mpg
That should create a relatively simple high quality mpeg movie (which works on
windows machines/powerpoint/etc). The -s argument is the image size of
the ppm files which will need to be determined manually.