High-throughput Characterization of Porous Materials
Problem Statement and Goals
Porous materials, such as zeolites and metal organic frameworks, are
exploited in many current technologies and are considered to be a very
important class of materials for many new industrial applications. Some
of these new industrial applications include cracking catalysts in oil
refinement, water softeners, and membranes or adsorbents for
separations including carbon dioxide (CO
capture applications. A key factor that determines the utility of
any nanoporous material is its optimal pore topology along with the
chemical composition for given conditions in a
particular application. In an attempt to identify optimal materials for
various applications,
such as gas separations, researchers have started to screen large
databases of
porous materials. Molecular simulation techniques, such as the grand
Monte Carlo (GCMC) method, are often used in numerical simulations to
predict properties of materials and their guest-adsorption
characteristics expressed as an
experimentally verified adsorption isotherm. However, the
computational cost of
molecular simulations is high, significantly limiting the number of
structures that can be
analyzed. Furthermore, an accurate calculation of material properties
depends on
the correct classification of the accessibility of the pores in a
material. Classification of the
pore structure of materials typically involves visual inspection and
impractical with a large number of structures.
Implementation and Results
The goal of this work is to enable
high-throughput screening of large material databases to characterize
material properties and enable fast identification of candidate
materials for application-specific problems such as carbon capture. As
a means to characterize the zeolite structures, we compute the Henry
coefficient (K
H) and the heats of adsorption (
i) values for carbon dioxide (CO
2) and methane (CH
4). These quantities characterize adsorption of the gas molecules in porous materials. K
is a basic constant that relates the equilibrium between the gas
and the adsorbed phase, and hence describes adsorption at a very low
pressure regime. In the context of CO
2 capture, an ideal material would exhibit a large CO
2 K
H compared to the K
H values of other flue gases, resulting in high selectivity for CO
High-performance Material Simulations:
In order to process large sets of materials within a reasonable time,
our molecular simulation tool utilizes graphical processing units
(GPUs) to efficiently conduct parallel calculations. In order to be
able to efficiently utilize multiple GPUs in distributed computing
environments, we developed a MPI-based task scheduler to assign and
balance computing tasks among multiple compute nodes---with each task
consisting in the evaluation of single molecular structures. Figure 1
summarizes the performance of our algorithm for computing the K
H and
i for 144 experimentally verified zeolite structures from the IZA database.
Pocket Blocking: In practice,
materials often contain inaccessible pockets, i.e., regions of space a
guest molecule could occupy, but which cannot be accessed by guest
molecules due to the positions of the surrounding atoms. In computer
calculations, it is critical to account for such inaccessible pockets
to avoid false biases in the calculation of guest-accessible
volumes/surface areas, or the prediction of adsorption properties using
molecular simulation techniques. To enable accurate, high-throughput
characterization for large numbers of materials, we have
developed automated methods for the segmentation and classification of
the void space of molecules into accessible and inaccessible regions.
Visualization: Aside from computing Henry coefficients (K
H) and heats of adsorption (
we can further analyze individual structures in the simulations
by visualizing the local Henry coefficient values---to determine the
local adsorption property of a given material---and the energy
grid, describing at each discrete grid location the total Lennard-Jones
and Coulomb potentials between the gas molecule and all of the
framework atoms that make relevant contributions to the interaction. We
use the state-of-the-art, high-performance, parallel
visualization system VisIt for this purpose (see Figure 3).
Characterization of Zeolites:
Using the approach described here, we processed 135,224 hypothetical
zeolites in the database. Figure 2 shows the histogram of both the CO
2 and CH
4 Henry coefficient (K
H) values for all of the zeolite structures. We observe that the K
H values for CO
2 are in general higher than that of CH
confirming why zeolites are seen as one of the ideal candidates for
carbon capture. The broader distributions of the CO
2 K
H values also indicates that the range of possible structures with different CO
2 adsorption properties remains large compared to CH
4. Extrapolating from detailed simulation times obtained from the IZA structures (see Figure 1), we can obtain the CO
2 K
values for the entire hypothetical zeolite structures in about 50 hours
of total wall time, utilizing 8 Tesla C2050 GPUs of the NERSC GPU
cluster Dirac.
This effort on the simulation of porous materials has been led by Jihan
Kim, Richard L. Martin, Maciej Haranczyk, and Berend Smit. This effort
has been supported by Oliver Rübel, of the Visualization Group, in
particular, with respect to development of distributed computing using
MPI and visualization. This work is presented in more detail in a joint
2012 JCTC journal paper by Jihan Kim et al. [1].

Figure 1: Timing results for calculation of the Henry coefficient (KH) and heats of adsorption (Δhi) for CH4 and the CO2
for the 188 experimentally verified IZA zeolite structures. The total
computational time is divided by the major routines that comprise the
simulation code. As these results show, using our high-performance
molecular simulation tool enables screeningof large numbers of molecular structures in a short amount of time. ( Image courtesy of Kim et al. [1])
Figure 2: Distribution of CO2 and CH4 Henry coefficient (KH) values for 135,224 hypothetical zeolite structures. In general, the CO2 KH values are larger than the CH4 KH, indicating that zeolites have high selectivity for CO2, confirming why zeolites are seen as one of the ideal candidates for carbon capture. (Image courtesy of Kim et al. [1]) |

(a) MFI |
(b) LFA
3: Visualization of MFI and LTA showing i) the molecular bonding
structure, and ii) isosurface visualization of the energy landscape.
Low energy values (warmer colors) indicate that less energy is needed
to insert the donor molecule (here methane) at the given location. (Image generated by Richard L. Martin using VisIt)
By approaching the problem of screening large numbers of materials from
a high-performance computing view and by utilizing fast molecular
simulation techniques, we have been able to characterize a very large
set of porous materials---more than an order of magnitude larger than
what has been reported previously. Additionally, we have addressed the
problem of characterizing the inner pore structure (and the
accessibility of pores) for large sets of materials.
Our code has the capability to quickly compute the Henry coefficient
and the heats of adsorption values for many different gas molecules
immersed inside a porous material. We can further analyze individual
structures in the simulations by visualizing local Henry
coefficient values to determine local adsorption properties of a
given material. Although the simulation results presented in this work
pertain to zeolites, the code can be easily extended to process other
classes of microporous materials. The predicted molecular properties
obtained from the simulation code can provide valuable insights for
computational chemists and experimentalists to identify structures of
interest for further computational analyses and for synthesizing
materials inside a large porous materials database.
[1] Jihan
Kim, Richard Martin, Oliver Rübel, Maciej Haranczyk and
Berend Smit, "High-throughput Characterization of Porous Materials
Using Graphics Processing Units," Journal of Chemical Theory and
Computation, 2012, 8 (5), pp 1684–1693, DOI: 10.1021/ct200787v, March,
, LBNL-5409E (
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Kim, Richard Martin,
Oliver Rübel, Maciej Haranczyk, and Berend Smit