This is an archival copy of the Visualization Group's web page 1998 to 2017. For current information, please vist our group's new web page.

Adaptive Mesh Refinement Visualization

Project Overview

More information. Status: in planning stages. Contact: Wes Bethel, LBL.

Summer 2002 Student Research Projects (Summer, 2002)

Status: in planning stages. Contact: Wes Bethel, LBL.

Summer 2001 Research Projects

During the summer of 2001, three students from UC Davis and one from SF State spent time performing in-depth work on several topics. These include hardware-acclerated volume rendering of AMR data, feature identification and tracking in AMR vector fields, AMR Embedded Boundary extraction and visualization, and deployment of a grid portal. More information. Status: summer projects completed. Contact: Wes Bethel, LBL.

ChomboVis (1999-2000)

An adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) visualizational tool developed with the Applied Numerical Algorithms Group at LBNL/NERSC. More information. Status: inactive. Contact: Terry Ligocki, LBL