The User Interface Toolkit

1 The User Interface ("UI") Toolkit

1.1 Introduction 2-2
1.2 Creating a Stand-Alone Application Interface 2-4
Starting 2-4
Creating the Application Shell 2-4
Creating the Menubar 2-5
Adding Controls to the Application Shell 2-9
Organizing the User Interface 2-15
Using Dialogs 2-16
Using the Layout Editor 2-19
1.3 Creating an Integrated Application Interface 2-21
1.4 SingleWindowApps and MultiWindowApps 2-23
Introduction 2-23
Manipulating the UI Connections 2-23
Sub-Objects 2-24
Examples 2-26
For More Information 2-26
1.5 Creating Reusable Custom Objects 2-27
Customizing/Extending the Dial Widget- Using Macros 2-27
1.6 Using the UI Kit More Efficiently 2-36
Reusable UI Components - Example 2-37

2 Cross-Platform Compatibility and Third-Party UI Widgets

2.1 Cross-Platform User Interface Compatibility 3-2
Differences Between Motif and PC Widget Sets 3-2
Other Differences 3-6
Workarounds 3-6
2.2 Importing Third-Party User Interface Widgets 3-7
Overview 3-7
Implementing the V-code Object 3-8
Generating the Class Interface 3-8
Implementing Methods for the New Class 3-9
Compiling the Project 3-10
Testing the New Widget 3-11