% ./svPerfGL -i /home/tmp/svPerfGL-data/trisNormsColors-1024.nc -t 60 -r Welcome to ./svPerfGL, OpenGL triangle benchmark (LBNL/NERSC, 2007) Run by wes on Sat Sep 1 08:46:11 2007 Test configuration: Input file: /home/tmp/svPerfGL-data/trisNormsColors-1024.nc Window size: 1280 by 1024 Retained mode: 1 Vertex Arrays: 0 Two-sided lighting: 0 Requested test duration (sec): 60 Loading 7880668 triangles from input file. Elapsed time to load 811 (MB) of payload: 66517.2 (ms), or 12.1923 MB/s Test complete at Sat Sep 1 08:48:17 2007 Test duration: 60.0571 seconds. Rendered 66 frames in 60.0571 seconds. Each frame contains 7880668 triangles Frame Rate: 1.0990 frames/sec Triangle rate: 8660486.84 tris/sec % ./svPerfGL -i /home/tmp/svPerfGL-data/trisNormsColors-1024.nc -t 60 -v Welcome to ./svPerfGL, OpenGL triangle benchmark (LBNL/NERSC, 2007) Run by wes on Sat Sep 1 08:48:22 2007 Test configuration: Input file: /home/tmp/svPerfGL-data/trisNormsColors-1024.nc Window size: 1280 by 1024 Retained mode: 0 Vertex Arrays: 1 Two-sided lighting: 0 Requested test duration (sec): 60 Loading 7880668 triangles from input file. Elapsed time to load 811 (MB) of payload: 64390 (ms), or 12.5951 MB/s Test complete at Sat Sep 1 08:50:27 2007 Test duration: 60.0232 seconds. Rendered 774 frames in 60.0232 seconds. Each frame contains 7880668 triangles Frame Rate: 12.8950 frames/sec Triangle rate: 101621372.72 tris/sec