

create an XYZ axis grid with labels based on mesh extents

Input Port




Output Port


output renderable object



Axis3D creates three grids of axis lines; one grid on each of the XY, YZ, and XZ planes. The grid contains major and minor tick lines with numeric labels based on the extents of the first three dimensions of the input mesh (which is commonly included in a field). By default it creates five major axis lines in each dimension and one minor line between each pair of major lines.

Input Port


Mesh. Used to select the min and max extents of the axis grid.


X start

UIfieldTypein. Draw only grid lines greater than this X coordinate in the input mesh's coordinate system.

X end

UIfieldTypein. Draw only grid lines less than this X coordinate in the input mesh's coordinate system.

X origin

UIfieldTypein. Draw the main YZ axis plane at this X coordinate. Other axis lines are spaced at equal intervals from this plane according to X step. Note that this does not mean that this X coordinate is assigned a value of 0; it only sets the reference point for drawing axis lines perpendicular to X. For example, if you set X origin to 200, the X value printed below that point is still 200, and X tick lines are drawn at 200 - X step, 200, 200+X step, 200+2(X step), and so on.

X step

UIfieldTypein. Distance along the X axis between adjacent major lines.

X labels offset

UIfieldTypein. Offset distance (-X) from the X origin (ref) to the lower left corner of the numeric labels.

X ndigits

UIslider. Number of digits after the decimal point in the X axis labels.

X minor ticks

UIslider. Number of minor lines between major lines along the X axis.


Y start

UIfieldTypein. Draw only grid lines greater than this Y coordinate in the input mesh's coordinate system.

Y end

UIfieldTypein. Draw only grid lines less than this Y coordinate in the input mesh's coordinate system.

Y origin

UIfieldTypein. Draw the main XZ axis plane at this Y coordinate. Other axis lines are spaced at equal intervals from this line according to Y step. Note that this does not mean that this Y coordinate is assigned a value of 0; it just sets the reference point for drawing Y tick lines. For example, if you set Y origin to 200, the Y value printed to the left of that point is still 200, and Y tick lines are drawn at 200 - Y step, 200, 200+Y step, 200+2(Y step), and so on.

Y step

UIfieldTypein. Distance along the Y axis between adjacent major axis lines.

Y labels offset

UIfieldTypein. Offset distance (-Y) from the Y origin (ref) to the lower left corner of the numeric labels.

Y ndigits

UIslider. Number of digits after the decimal point in the Y axis labels.

Y minor ticks

UIslider. Number of minor tick lines between adjacent major tick lines in Y.


Z start

UIfieldTypein. Draw only grid lines greater than this Z coordinate in the input mesh's coordinate system.

Z end

UIfieldTypein. Draw only grid lines less than this Z coordinate in the input mesh's coordinate system.

Z origin

UIfieldTypein. Draw the main XY axis plane at this Z coordinate. Other axis lines are spaced at equal intervals from this line according to Z step. Note that this does not mean that this Z coordinate is assigned a value of 0; it just sets the reference point for drawing Z tick lines. For example, if you set Z origin to 200, the Z value printed behind that point is still 200, and Z tick lines are drawn at 200 - Z step, 200, 200+Z step, 200+2(Z step), and so on.

Z step

UIfieldTypein. Distance along the Z axis between adjacent major axis lines.

Z labels offset

UIfieldTypein. Offset distance (-Z) from the Z origin (ref) to the lower left corner of the numeric labels.

Z ndigits

UIslider. Number of digits after the decimal point in the Z axis labels.

Z minor ticks

UIslider. Number of minor tick lines between adjacent major tick lines in Z.


Major Line Mode

UIradioBoxLabel. Specifies how to draw major tick lines. Valid choices are: