The Flyer that Accompanied the IBRAVR Demonstration
Created by Flavio Robles of the LBL Technical Illustration Dept.

SC99 Goals

The LBL IBRAVR implementation made it's public debut at SC99. Our goals for a demonstration at SC99 included emphasizing the orthogonality of the application. The IBRAVR is composed of a number of components that cooperatively work together to enable direct volume rendering of large, time varying data sets. Thus, but orthogonality, we mean that we wanted to demonstrate real on-the-fly visualization of large time varying data from several applications, from several data sources, using one of many different computational resources and multiple viewing platforms.

The following table summarizes the wide variety of data sources, compositing engines, view platforms and networking technologies that contributed to make our demo possible

Compositing Engines Data Sources View Platforms
Reactive Chemistry
Combustion Simulation
Cosmology Simulation LBL SC99 Idesk ASCI Powerwall
NERSC Cray T3ET3E Local FilesystemX

SC99 Data Sources

SC99 Data Reading/Back-end Rendering Engines

SC99 Viewing Platforms

About the Networks

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