@article{Geddes:SciDACReview:2009, author = {C. G. R. Geddes and E Cormier-Michel and E. H. Esarey and C. B. Schroeder and J.-L. Vay and W. P. Leemans and D. L.. Bruhwiler and J. R. Cary and B. Cowan and M. Durant and P. Hamill and P. Messmer and P. Mullowney and C. Nieter and K. Paul and S. Shasharina and S. Veitzer and G. Weber and O. R\"{u}bel and D. Ushizima and Prabhat and E. W.Bethel and K. Wu}, title = {{Large Fields for Smaller Facility Sources}}, journal = {SciDAC Review}, volume = {13}, year = {2009}, note = {LBNL-2299E}, pages = {13--21}, }