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Visualization Group Gallery - On Display at LBNL

The following images appear on display outside the Visualization Laboratory at LBNL. Using a patented technology, these PHSColograms by (Art)n Laboratory produce a stereo-like effect when viewed.

Follow this link to an (Art)n gallery page including images generated by LBNL/NERSC for Supercomputing '98.

Semilocal Strings

Ten to 35 seconds after the Big Bang, objects called "semilocal strings" may have condensed out of interacting quantum fields. Some strings linked with other strings into space-spanning filaments. Others joined head to tail and shrank away to nothing. Semilocal string theory may help explain how the universe developed "lumpy" structures like stars and galaxies despite its perfectly homogeneous beginnings.


Lattice Gauge Theory

Computations suggest that the quarks which compose protons are confined in space. How they are confined determines the size of protons which are a fundamental part of all atoms. We show a single three dimensional slice of a four dimensional space depicting the probable location densities using colored volumes and surfaces. Such visualization techniques allow researchers to explore and understand the results of their complex computations done on supercomputers. The underlying computations were accomplished using NERSC's 128 processor Cray T3E supercomputer.

A 65-frame MPEG Movie showing camera movement (45kbytes).


Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Petroleum reservoir simulators are software tools that permit reservoir engineers to evaluate the results of different production strategies. The simulators compute, among other things, oil saturation and flow over time. By using Virtual Reality technology, engineers can interact with a visualization tool the computes the path taken by weightless particles released into an oil flow field along the depth of a virtual well.

A 65-frame MPEG Movie showing camera movement (572 kbytes). Or, here's one that's a little smaller (194 kbytes).


Funded by ACTI (Advanced Computational Technology Initiative) through ER-LTT (Energy Research and Laboratory Technology Transfer).

Shock Wave Physics

Dramatic and complex structures evolve as a shock wave passes through two gases. As a shock wave passes from oxygen (below) into helium (above), the gases mix in such a way that long spikes of oxygen penetrate into the helium. Mixing is represented with orange, while the velocity of the mixing process is visualized using yellow streamlines. Researchers at the Center for Computational Sciences and Engineering at LBNL use visualization tools to examine and gain insight into physical processes modeled on supercomputers.

A 65-frame MPEG Movie showing camera movement (410 Kbytes).


Life Sciences

Actin, a protien, is a major component of muscle. Muscles are formed from millions of fibers, which in turn are built from protien molecules. One represenation of the actin molecule is the structural backbone, which shows the bonds between atoms using a "stick" model. A different representation of actin is electron density. We show electron density at two different resolutions. The brown surface is a high resolution surface obtained by X-Ray crystallography. The blue surface is computed from a simulation where the resolution has been artificially reduced. The purpose of the visualization is to aid in interpreting experimental data that is limited in resolution. Researchers make use of visualization tools to verify that structures apparent in lower resolution data correspond to structures in higher resolution data.

A 65-frame MPEG Movie (86 Kbytes).


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